November Program Announced!

When:  Tuesday, November 6, 2018, 7:00PM  – Cookies and Conversation 6:30PM – 7:00 Where: Montana WILD Education Center, 2668 Broadwater Ave. *Please Note – Program is the first Tuesday of November Birding Central Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado If you are a birder and enjoy travel…

October Program Announced

Biomimicry: Design Innovations from the Bird World When: Tuesday, October 9, 2018, 7:00PM – Cookies and Conversation 6:30PM – 7:00 Where: Montana WILD Education Center, 2668 Broadwater Ave. How can birds inspire the designs created by engineers? Marie Z. Bourgeois will describe Biomimicry, an emerging…

September Program Announcement

Montana Audubon – Birds and Beyond When: September 11, 2018 7:00PM – Cookies and Conversation at 6:30PM Where: Montana WILD Education Center – 2668 Broadwater Ave Join Larry Berrin, the new Executive Director of Montana Audubon (MA), as he shares what the future will…

World Shorebird Day Best sleeping pills for insomnia product name is ambien zolpidem LCAS will once again support the World Shorebird Day effort by surveying shorebirds and other bird species at the Canyon Ferry WMA on Sunday, September 9th. The field trip will meet at the…

May Program Announced

Sevenmile Creek: Birds, Seasons and Habitat When someone goes birding, they typically see a snapshot of a habitat. Certain birds are present, behaving in certain ways. What is the full story of one place through the seasons? For the past year, Last Chance Audubon…

SCHOLARSHIP Deadline Approaches

The application process for two $1000 scholarships closes on April 15th! Propecia 5mg side effects online solution for the treating male pattern baldness Please visit Last Chance Audubon’s Scholarship Home Page for additional details.

Proposed Bylaws Changes

The LCAS bylaws committee has been working on updating the Last Chance Audubon bylaws.  A draft has been produced and is available by following the LCAS BYLAWS link.  Please plan to attend the May Membership meeting and give us your input on the proposed…

April Program Announced!

*Please note date change for this program When:  Thursday, April 12, 2018, 7:00PM – Cookies and Conversation 6:30 – 7:00PM Where:  Montana WILD, 2668 Broadwater Ave. Connecting Kids with Nature  Spending time in the outdoors is an important part of childhood. For conservationists, childhood memories of…

March Natural History Lecture Series: Wildfire – History, Science and Habitat Impact

Last Chance Audubon presents the March Natural History Lecture Series.  Each Monday evening in March a presentation will be given at the Montana WILD Education Center.  The presentations will begin at 7:00 PM and this year’s theme will be WILDFIRE: Its History, Science and…

High School Scholarship Announced

It is with great pleasure that Last Chance Audubon Society (LCAS) announces the availability of up to two scholarships (for the 2017-2018 school year) for qualified and interested high school seniors who are applying to a college or university to pursue a course of…