How do I join Last Chance Audubon?
You can join our local chapter, help conserve habitat and learn more about the natural world for only $15 per calendar year. One membership includes all family members living in a home, and all can receive the monthly eNewsletter and information on our outstanding monthly programs (SEP-MAY). Additionally members have free access to all LCAS sponsored field trips, and email updates regarding special events sponsored by LCAS. Be sure to include your email address when joining to receive all correspondence. Additional email addresses can be added in the notes section of the membership form.
To become a new member or renew your membership securely online, please select the MEMBERSHIP button below.
Membership can also be completed by filling out the membership application. The membership form can be accessed at LCAS Membership Form (Adobe required). Please print and complete the form and send with check or money order for $15 ($25 for mailed newsletter) to:
Last Chance Audubon Society
P.O. Box 924
Helena, MT 59624-0924
*New Memberships received during the final quarter of the calendar year (Oct-Dec) will be valid for the remainder of the current year and the next full calendar year.
*Members wishing to renew by check can drop off renewals at our monthly program meeting or send them directly to the address above. Please insure that you include your current email address. Thanks so much for supporting our conservation efforts!
How do I join National Audubon?
If you are interested in supporting the National Audubon Society you can become a member for $35 a year and receive six issues of the magazine Audubon. Please visit them at the website listed below or call 1-800-428-3828 to join.
The National Audubon Society online registration form can be found at (If prompted please use Chapter Code N52)
Last Chance Audubon is affiliated with National Audubon. Please be sure to include Last Chance Audubon Chapter Code (above) on your membership form.
LCAS Membership Chair: Sharon Dewart-Hansen