In 2005, the Blackfoot Challenge, a nonprofit collaborative organization, partnered with the US Fish and Wildlife Service to restore Trumpeter Swans to the Blackfoot Watershed. Elaine Caton, their swan program coordinator, will describe the restoration of young, captive-raised swans which were released in the watershed every year through 2021, when the restoration goal was met. Releases were attended by students from watershed schools and members of the public, with extensive education and outreach to help make the project a success. The numbers and distribution of swans nesting in the watershed and beyond have risen slowly but steadily, with over 30 cygnets hatched in 2024. The Blackfoot Challenge also monitors a few other bird species, including through citizen science projects.
Elaine grew up on a family ranch in Missouri and received her bachelor’s degree in Zoology from the University of Montana. She worked for ten years in Glacier National Park, first studying Bald Eagles and later the effects of fire on cavity-nesting birds. She received her PhD in Ecology from UM in 1997 and followed it with a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral project on Science Education. Elaine has held dual roles in the Blackfoot Challenge, as Education Coordinator and Swan Program Coordinator. In recent years she has taken on additional bird species monitoring, including organizing citizen science monitoring of Common Loons and Long-billed Curlews. Elaine enjoys hiking, cross country skiing, horseback riding, and generally enjoying the largely unspoiled beauty and nature in the Blackfoot watershed and beyond.
Photo: Trumpeter Swan and cygnets by Alex Badyaev