Winter Birds of the Helena Valley

Presenter – Sharon Dewart-Hansen
Lapland Longspur by Sharon Dewart-Hansen
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 – 7:00PM        Montana WILD, 2668 Broadwater Ave.        Free – All Are Welcome

 One of our favorite birding events is the Christmas Bird Count (CBC). This program is an enjoyable and informative way to review and prepare for the CBC. Using her photography of our winter birds, our speaker, Sharon Dewart-Hansen, will focus on the birds most likely to be seen in the Helena Valley during this winter count. At this program you can join in with other winter birders, hone your birding skills, and enjoy Sharon’s exceptional photography. Information on the logistics of the upcoming CBC, to be held December 16th, will be discussed by Coburn Currier. This will also give you an opportunity to sign up to participate in this year’s count.

Sharon Dewart-Hansen has been a birder “off and on” since 1972. She is a willing teacher about birds and frequently shares her photos on social media. Sharon has led field trips for Montana Audubon Big Sky Festivals, Last Chance Audubon and Birds and Beasleys. She is a Christmas Bird Count section leader. Her photographs are seen on eBird and have been published in Montana Outdoors magazine as well as newspapers. She is the Membership Committee chair and Board member of Last Chance Audubon Society. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education/History from Northland College and a Master’s Degree in American Studies from the University of Wyoming.

Snow Buntings by Sharon Dewart-Hansen

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